Acting The Part

Recently, I had the chance to get in front of the camera again after many years of being away. So much has happened to me since my last acting gig. After a near-death experience a couple of years ago, I have been focused on personal and professional development like never before. Professionally, I’m going to travel down a new path that hopefully is the final one I need to reach my life’s destiny.

Personally, I’m in the process of rediscovering my soul in an attempt to find the place I need to be at so that I may heal my wounds I’ve acquired in my nearly 62 years of life. I believe I’m going through a transition/transformation that will lead to some exciting and rewarding accomplishments that I want to share with everyone who wants to partake.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be releasing more videos and publishing more information about my new journey. I hope you’ll join me.

The Adventure of a Lifetime

QiChia Life is about one man’s journey through life that is poignantly and openly revealed. At its core, its purpose is to encourage, embolden and entice anyone and everyone who dares to join in the travels, life lessons and personal adventures discovered here.

From doing so, a uniquely distinct lifestyle will be realized, one that is filled with intense imagination and meaning. You’re invited to come along on this adventure with us. It’s going to be lots of fun.

Updates on any developments will be posted here and at our Facebook page Thanks for coming along. 😊

A Beautiful Mystery


I am committed to being a better person than I was yesterday. Better thoughts. Better decisions. Better actions.

– Unknown

At this particular time in my life while in the midst of a six month indoor recovery period from a broken hip, I truly want to be a better man. I’ve recently turned 59 and am positioned and poised to have the best year of my life financially and spiritually speaking. I’ve been struggling for over two decades in the attempt to build abundance in my life – abundance in health, wealth and love. To me, these are the most important elements in life for a well balanced, happy, prosperous and fulfilling existence. If I’m to obtain these sacred gifts that I’ve been working so hard to acquire all these years, then I must be a better man than I am at this time in my life. Starting today I’m going to start being a better person who makes better decisions, has better thoughts and acts better towards people.

Expect nothing; Gain everything

“To avoid disappointment in life, don’t attach an expectation to an outcome.”


When there is an expected result desired no matter the situation, there is always a good chance that you’ll experience disappointment. This disappointment can lead to anger, especially if it involves something between friends, family or lovers. If you’re not able to rise above this type of situation peacefully, the first thing that most people experience is anger, animosity or even hatred. At this point, this is when your mind has taken over your other bodily senses and closed off your inner power and intellect. Then, it’s easy to become angry, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – this is not easy to achieve. 

So, the next time you become angry at someone, remember to try not to attach an expectation to whatever made you angry in the first place. And also remember the exact dose of anger you exert, and at what time, and for what purpose could be the difference between a broken friendship or relationship and one that has grown closer than ever before. If you can accomplish this, then you’re on your way to achieving spiritual and physical maturity.

Happiness is a Choice

Is your reality real?

“Most everyone’s reality is a blend of their past experiences, their expectations, and what they think they see or feel. This, unfortunately is not true reality at all. Many events we witness or are exposed to are not exactly as we think they are. So in fact, life just full of instances and visions clouded in mystery and untruths based on one’s own view of reality. Therefore, everyone’s reality is what they want it to be, not what it truly is.”

~ James Filbird


The Time Has Come for Change

How would you live your life if today was the last day of your life?

boy with a hat


Faced with an imminent cancer diagnosis, I see myself in need to change my ways to avoid extinction. I must make room in my life for healthy eating, regular exercise, a more focused blog, perhaps even some chemotherapy now and then.

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Thoughtless thoughts

“Your thoughts do not care about you. They only want to perpetuate themselves.”

Gary Schneider 

Brain scanning technology is quickly approachi...

Animated brain scan.

Always be mindful of what you’re thinking whether it be in deep thought or just a fleeting thought, because your thoughts have tremendous power behind them. Studies have shown that the mind can control your heartbeat, your blood pressure, body temperature, bodily pain, etc. Under our own initiative, our brain can produce important cells, tissues, amino acids, antigens, and many other bodily elements just like it does every day automatically. Just like the food we eat produces the kind of physical health we have, what our brain produces gives us the kind of mental health we have. What’s very important to remember is that our brain is responsible for basically our entire health, so make it a habit to always feed your mind with positive thoughts. If you’re wondering where the positive thoughts come from that feed the brain, well they come from the soul. The two are intricately woven together working as the source and the power behind all we do.

I encourage you to read this very informative article entitled: 10 Amazing Examples of Mind Over Matter at

How do you rate?

“Every man stamps his value on himself… man is made great or small by his own will.”

~ J.C.F. von Schiller

Throughout our lives we are continually judging everything we see – close friends, family members, acquaintences, strangers and ourselves. The people we are close to, the news we read and listen to, the books we read, the music we listen to, the poetry we read, the social media we consume and contribute to, the habits we live with and the level at which we care for our health all determine how we perceive life. Therefore, it’s important to choose wisely who you spend your valuable time with, what you spend your time doing when you’re alone, and have an occupation that brings you happiness and is rewarding emotionally, financially and intellectually.

This Carole King song reminds that I’ve got to make the initiative that leads to a better outlook on life: “You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face and show the world that you’re beautiful. You’ll find that people are going to treat you better and show you the love in their heart.”

Doing this every morning will improve your perspective and attitude towards living and most importantly, how you feel about yourself. Start falling in love with yourself by allowing yourself enough alone time to grow spiritually and intellectually. You won’t regret it. Time is the most precious asset in life because we can’t get more of it and we don’t know how much of it we have left to live. Use it wisely and be sure to spend enough time on yourself everyday because no one cares about you as much as you do.

How do you rate yourself when it comes to placing a value on your life? I hope you start feeling great today and everyday, because you are.

Imagination relation

“ The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become.  

~ Ben HerbsterBen Herbster

We are what we are, and we are where we are in life because of all the actions we have taken and choices we have made up to this point. If you’re not happy with where you are now and who you are now in life, then initiate a change in your life for the better. To change a pattern or habit you’re not happy with and to convert it into something positive, you need to imagine your day being just the way you want it to be and relishing the moment you’re in during this time. You can do it during a quiet time — while you’re about to sleep, or when you just wake up, or during lunchtime, or while on a break. It should be a meditative experience so you can completely feel the effects of the positive thinking permeate into your mind and soul. Do this everyday and eventually you will see improvements in your life to some extent. Just be sure and record the mistakes that you made during that day so that you don’t do them again, or do them differently so the outcome is beneficial for you.  It’s all about relating your experiences each day to the ones that you want to be living. Have fun making changes for the better in your life and becoming the person you want to be!

Yesterday Wasn’t Just Tuesday..It was International Left-Handers’ Day

A day of recognition for all the “lefties” in the world…Including me.

Under the Cordillera Sky

What seemed like an ordinary (and rainy) August 13 day wasn’t that ordinary at all, as I found out late afternoon. Without much fanfare, yesterday (and today-it’s still August 13th in the evening at the US) the world was celebrating International Left-Handers’ Day.


What? How? Why?

I was or am aware of some Left-handed advocacies which I came across the years, but I guess it kind of slipped out of my mind. Doing some browsing, here’s an excerpt from which gives light on the matter:

August 13 is designated International Left-handers Day by Left-handers International. It was first observed 13 August 1976. As its name suggests, it is meant to promote awareness of the inconveniences facing left-handers in a predominantly right-handed world. It celebrates their uniqueness and difference, who are from seven to ten percent of the world’s population. Many left-handed people are discriminated against…

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A shining example

“He who finds diamonds must grapple in mud and mire because diamonds are not found in polished stones.  They are made.”

~ Henry B. Wilson  

A scattering of "brilliant" cut diam...

A scattering of “brilliant” cut diamonds.

To become something that is brilliant from every angle, from within and without, sometimes you must live a life in the dirtiest place on earth. This place is not a happy place nor is it a comfortable place, yet it is the only place that can crush you into someone that is invincible, beautiful, resilient, and admired. It’s a place that no one would ever choose for themselves to exist in. Living there is difficult, depressing, sad, dark, and often lonely. But if one can endure the elements long enough that this place continually throws at you, then you will surely be something much greater than what you were before you entered. Great people are not born, they are made — just like a stone that over time and through excruciating painful forces becomes a polished gem that is the most cherished of all. To find these kinds of people (the gems), you must look in places that are not so inviting or even easy to find. I know this, because I am one of those people who have endured this place that I speak of, and I am proud to say that I have become a better person from every angle, from within and without, and hopefully for all time. 

Shining souls

“The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.”

~ Aristotle

The human spirit is mighty. Throughout our lives, we are faced with circumstances that force us to look deep within ourselves to find what is good so that we can do amazing things for others in need. When something bad happens to another person, whether you know them personally or not, you feel compelled to reach out to them from the depth of your heart and help them get to a place of comfort, safety and peace. You can do this through prayer, a financial contribution, or with a helping hand. This temperament is displayed often when tragedy strikes and is one of characteristics that make the human species unique from most all other earthly creatures. This very type of behaviour must also be used when we find ourselves in a difficult place in life. All too often, we neglect our own needs when we are faced with a tragedy, depression, weakness, etc. It’s very important to remember that as individuals, we need to be heroic for ourselves too. In doing so, we keep our own soul shining so that we are available to assist others in keeping their souls shining too. 

The Soul of a Flower

Special thanks to Tim Coffey for his use of this illustration.

Love thy enemy

“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.”

~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow on the Isle of Wigh...

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

One of the hardest things to do is love your enemy. If you really ponder the fact that all our enemies are just like we are in that they desire the same things we desire. They want freedom, power, peace, love, a place to call their homeland, money, religious rights, etc. just like we do. But for many centuries, people have been fighting amongst themselves and with other cultures and nations creating havoc, unspeakable tragedies, and untold sufferings. What can we attribute this to? Is it because men dominate world affairs and women don’t? Is it because humans are more animalistic than they are spiritual? Is it because this is man’s destiny — to always be at war? Whatever the reason, it’s pitiful that people of all races, religions, and creed do not look for ways to live in harmony as much as they look for ways to become more powerful and destructive. If people in power took the time to look into the hearts of their “enemies” perhaps they would find the answers the perplexing questions posed above. Peace to all.

Managing mistakes

“The sages do not consider that making no mistakes is a blessing. They believe, rather, that the great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and continually make a new man of himself.”

~ Wang Yang-Ming (1472-1529) Chinese Philosopher

Wang Yangming (1472–1529), considered the most...

Wang Yangming (1472–1529), considered the most influential Confucian thinker since Zhu Xi.

Correcting mistakes you’ve made is more important than making them in the first place. We all know that life isn’t perfect, so there’s no point in trying not to make any mistakes. Instead, be very aware of all the mistakes you make in life so that you can make sure you don’t make them anymore. This is very simple in theory to understand but not so easy to physically do. I suppose it’s because humans are creatures of habit and can’t easily change or adapt themselves to a new environment. The ones that can will surely succeed in ways that most cannot. Part of being a wise person is knowing where and when to navigate in the path of life. The mistakes we have made (and will continue to make!) in life will teach us how to be wise as souls and happier as people. To me, life is simply about trying to be better human beings, and to be better we must constantly be sharpening our souls so that we can live renewed lives as much as possible.

A parable: Comfort and Riches

Because I enjoyed this story so much, I wanted to share it with you. It was originally posted by Stuart at:

A poor man reached middle age without becoming the success he envisioned as a young man. He decided early the next morning he would ask a rich friend of his what the secret of success was.

The rich friend pointed down a rough path near the edge of town and said walk down that path and you will find the answer. Trusting his friend, the poor man set off down that rough path.

He walked and walked in the hot sun, on and on until he had blisters on his heels. The path twisted this way then that through some low hills, never giving him a good view of how far there was to go. The path was so rough he lost his footing a few times, but he kept on going.

As he turned a bend he saw a sign on the side of the path. As he drew nearer he saw that it said: ‘Not far to go now.’ Encouraged, he continued walking.

A little further he saw another sign that read: ‘Keep going.’ He felt a renewed sense of energy and determination even though he was hot and exhausted.

A little while later he came upon a third sign saying: ‘Nearly there.’ A little stream ran alongside and he decided to take some refreshment before continuing.

After many more hours he sat down for a rest. He was in real discomfort and his ehthusiasm was beginning to wane. Sign after sign had urged him onwards but still he could not see the answer to success. ‘My so called friend has played a joke on me.’ he thought. The answer is not down this path. There’s only discomfort, frustration and endless false promises down this path.

At that moment he decided to head back home and give his rich friend a piece of his mind for making him look like a fool.

Meanwhile, the rich man was sitting on the porch of his beautiful country home waiting for his friend to arrive. A cool glass of lemonade in his hand and an expectant smile on his face.

He waited and waited, until eventually the sun started going down. Disappointed, he walked across the lawn and up to the gate of his house. He opened it and walked down the rough path that ran near a little stream. He stopped at the sign he had erected there. The sign read: ‘You’re here.’

He gazed one last time down the long and winding path but there was no sign of his friend.

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated failures. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

~ Calvin Coolidge

English: Calvin Coolidge.

The purpose of money

“Wealth still failed to impress him; the purpose of money was to purchase one’s freedom to pursue that which was useful and interesting.”

~ H. W. Brands, in his biography of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin 1767

Benjamin Franklin 1767

Today’s Lesson: “Letting Go of Attachments”
This goes along with simplifying your life. And the act of simplifying certainly helps you recognize your attachments. You’ll see what I mean when you start to give away a perfectly good suit that you haven’t worn in ten years. Suddenly that suit looks really necessary. But once you do let go, you never look back. And suddenly you are lighter and freer than ever before.

Using this same thinking will help you to not be attached to money. The greatest asset money has is that it allows us to live our lives more richer because of the free time it gives us in life. Enjoying interesting and useful time with good friends, family and loved ones. One must remember to be wise when money and free time are available in excess because they can destroy a person very easily if one isn’t careful. Go find your purpose, and then be wealthy.

Speaking speech

To speak or not to speak? This is the question.

Justice Louis Brandeis, in his compelling opinion nearly seventy-five years ago in the criminal syndication case of Whitney v. California, in which he articulated the premise of what today is known as the “Doctrine of Counterspeech.” Here is a brief excerpt from his opinion (at the URL below):

“When it came to expression that was perceived by some to be dangerous, threatening, or harmful, Brandeis famously wrote, “If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”

English: Photo of Louis Brandeis

Brigham Young University’s 2000 Law Review (archives) titled “Counterspeech 2000: A New Look at the Old Remedy for “Bad” Speech” by Robert D. Richards and Clay Calvert. The article has a lot of interesting points worth considering. Tell us what you think and say what you will, while we all get educated from your speech.

An excellent idea

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

~ Aristotle

Aristotle (1811) Galleria dell'Accademia, Venice


Such a poignant statement that sums up how we should truly measure ourselves. As I celebrate my 54th birthday today, I will take these words by Aristotle with me as a reminder to live my life each day as someone who lives rightly. Doing so will help me be an excellent human being who has chosen to develop habits that are conducive to a life of excellence. After all, isn’t that what we all want to achieve with our lives? Today, choose to be an excellent person who inspires others to live their life in excellence. This is a most excellent idea. 

It depends upon

“A man is not much if he can’t depend on himself, and nothing if others can’t depend on him.”

~  Benjamin Black

There’s a school of psychology which holds that happiness is subjective. Good or bad things happen in life, but people return to the same base level of happiness. Researchers found evidence that people adapt completely to marriage, divorce, widowhood, birth of a child, and layoffs.

Death of a spouse, for instance, is a terrible event characterized by a radical drop in happiness, but in the year that follows happiness rises, and within two years happiness returns to normal and may even rise above the baseline (as the subject gets caught in another hedonic cycle). A similar hedonic pattern follows most negative events—and positive ones too. People get over them. In almost every unhappy situation that people are faced with, the happiness level reverts to the baseline. 

Because people have the strength to eventually rebound after any tragedy, they can depend on themselves, and others can depend on them to get them through the difficult times in life. Choose to be a happy person no matter what happens in your life and people will know they can depend on you. It just depends on you.

Happiness is a Choice

Seeing the unseen

“Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.”

~ Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer

Cover of "The Story of My Life"

Cover of The Story of My Life

Such a powerful statement by someone who faced so many difficult challenges in her life. This is how Helen overcame her physical “blindness” to the world around her and enabled her to see things in such a way that most who have sight cannot. Everyone is either born with or faces some deficiencies in their life, so learning how to properly overcome them is essential to living a life that is physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy. To learn how to do this, just read Helen Keller’s book entitled, “The Story of My Life” and you’ll be uplifted, overjoyed and renewed with life. Then all you’ll need to do is share your new found abundance for life with everyone you can, and you’ll see your deficiencies disappear for good. You will then become the master of your life.